Thursday, April 4, 2013

Central Oregon Writers Guild Presents

Critique Intensive Workshop & Small Group Critique

With authors Paty Jager and Lindy Jacobs

Saturday, April 27, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM 
Central Oregon Community College Redmond Campus,
2030 SE College Loop, Building 3, Room 306

·         Is your critique group or partner giving you the help you need?
·         Do you know what to look for so you can give effective feedback?
Join us as we look at some brand new ways to sharpen self-editing and group critique skills that will improve everyone’s writing skills. After a short presentation, we’ll start with warm-up quizzes before moving into small groups for critique. Bring six copies of the first 1-2 pages of your current work-in-progress, a pencil and an open mind!  All levels and genres are welcome!

About the instructors:
Award winning author Paty Jager is a member of national and local writing organizations. She not only writes the western lifestyle she lives it. With sixteen novels and several short stories published, she continues to have characters cavorting in her head. You can learn more about Paty at her blog;  her website;

Lindy Jacobs is a member of several national writing organizations and is a long-time member of Central Oregon Writers Guild. She has written screenplay, story lines for CBS television, short stories and is currently at work on a novel set in Pakistan. Lindy actually enjoys the revision process and has taught a number of critique workshops. She writes about second chances and the writing life on her website, Writer at the Well,

Cost: Free for Guild members; $10 for nonmembers payable at the door. 
Refreshments: Coffee and Tea.
RSVP to Lindy at
Handouts will be provided. 

1 comment:

Ginger Dehlinger said...

Thank you Paty and Lindy for putting this workshop together! I'm looking forward to becoming better at being a critique group member.