Thursday, January 17, 2013

Central Oregon Writers Guild’s Thursday January 24, 2013 meeting features a presentation by Elizabeth Quinn, managing editor of the High Desert Journal. Elizabeth grew up near Bend, where she rode the school bus back and forth on Highway 97 gazing east out of the shaky bus window wondering what kind of desert lay beyond. She is still gazing but today from inside the desert. She started her career as a fiber artist at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. This career continues today as managing editor of High Desert Journal, weaving together stories and images into layers of place. She is bored when not creating, moving or reading. She works to find balance in it all. And she loves her family fiercely.

High Desert Journal is a literary and visual art magazine published in print and online dedicated to further understanding the people, places and issues of the interior West. Its content helps define this region in literary and artistic terms, and represents a collection of work that that charts the changes of a distinctive, unique region. Published twice a year, High Desert Journal invites submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, memoirs, interviews, essays, book reviews, letters to the editor and visual art. It accepts work from residents of the region working with any theme and from anyone living outside the region creating work with high desert theme and elements. To learn more, visit 

Central Oregon Writers Guild meetings are free and open to the public. The Thursday January 24 meeting location is COCC Redmond Campus, 2030 SE College Loop, Building 3 Room 309, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.

Report: Saturday January 5 Guild Coffee

The Guild’s New Year’s Coffee on January 5 proved to be a successful kick-off to our eleventh year. Author Paty Jager encouraged us to “Make 2013 your best writing year ever.” Group discussion followed about keeping the Guild strong in the future and sign-ups were taken for 2013 Committees. Sign-ups will also be taken at the January 24 meeting.

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